Quartz Carpet is a manufacturer, formulator and supplier of products for resin bonded aggregate and recycled glass surfacing. We recognize that our operations will have an impact on the local and global environment and as such Quartz Carpet is committed to the continuous exploration and development of procedures, systems and working practices that reduce the pollution and impact generated during the normal course of our business while ensuring our products remain of the highest quality.

Recognizing and understanding this process means that we can reduce, offset, mitigate or eliminate our carbon use where possible and practical, allowing us to set clear objectives which we can monitor, manage and improve.

Quartz Carpet fully supports the principles of, and is committed to the sustainable use of global resources including the reduction of pollution and waste.

Life Cycle Analysis:

Since between 60%-80% of our crystal glass wall system is recycled glass, this stunning application’s origins have a significantly positive impact on the environment. Instead of procuring new glass, the majority of the system is diverted from a landfill. The hard and non-porous characteristics of glass, along with the seamless nature of Quartz Carpet discourage bacterial growth, mold and decay. So the 30+ year lifespan of Quartz Carpet and Crystal Glass wall system beats most widely used interior-flooring systems hands down. Quartz carpet’s minimal maintenance requirements also go easy on the environment.

The long-term durability of Quartz Carpet and our Crystal Glass wall system means it is replaced less often than most other types of products. Long life cycle attributes contribute to environmental sustainability and systems with a lower installation cost will have to be replaced multiple times over the lives of these buildings.

Ceramic, porcelain and quarry tile products offer durability and life expectancies comparable to Quartz carpet. A costly drawback, though, is the grout joints – a network of channels that invite sanitation problems including microbial growth and cleanser and wax buildup. Tile lippage creates costly safety issues that include tripping and uneven wheelchair and cart rolling, not to mention a significant noise factor.


Decayed grout and chipped tile replacement must be considered when evaluating maintenance costs. Floors requiring no replacement clearly are less expensive.

Quartz Carpet requires daily maintenance of only dry mop and an occasional wet mop with a neutral PH cleaner, saving water, electricity, person- power, and all the associated costs. Maintenance of extremely high-use areas requires only neutral PH cleaners and water.

Quartz Carpet does not require chemicals or waxes to maintain it.

An annual steam cleaning and extraction are all that are necessary to keep Quartz Carpet a clean, healthy, flooring surface.

Environmental Responsibility

In addition to protecting your health, Quartz Carpet is dedicated to protecting the environment. Quartz Carpet practices environmental responsibility according to sustainability concepts developed by the United States Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) program.

Quartz carpet has long been valued for its life cycle characteristics: low maintenance, durability, and indoor air quality – with recycled content being an additional attractive feature. Quartz Carpet aggregates, binders and finished flooring systems can contribute to the U.S. Green Building Council’s (USGBC) credits, under the LEED-NC rating system, version 2.2.

Depending on the application of our recycled glass products in a given project, an architect or client may claim LEED credits or “green points” for using our glass.  In particular, credits that are often claimed include:

NC Materials & Resources MR Credit 4.1 & 4.2 for recycled content for 1 or 2 points

NC Materials & Resources MR Credit 5.1 & 5.2 for local source for 1 or 2 points

NC Indoor Environmental Quality EQ Credit 4.1 for low VOC Quartz Carpet for 1 point

NC Innovation in Design ID Credit 1.1 for unique designs for 1 point


Quartz Carpet is comprised of low VOC materials and exhibits little or no off- gassing over the life of the cured floor. The non-porous, cleanable finish does not support microbial growth, nor allow moisture to accumulate, helping to maintain a mold-free environment with improved indoor air quality.

Composition and Embodied Energy

Quartz Carpet is composed of naturally occurring aggregates, recycled glass and epoxy binders. The binders constitute approximately 25%-30% of the volume of the systems; the remainder of the floor is composed of aggregates and fillers. Initial life cycle assessments of embodied energy appear extremely favorable due to the longevity and low energy usage for maintenance.

About Quartz Carpet:

Our team of design consultants are on hand to provide architects and designers with detailed consultations to achieve the perfect interior.

Quartz Carpet is the internationally recognized leader in colored quartz and resin bonded surfaces and works with architects, interior designers and contractors throughout North America on innovative projects of all sizes.

Our team of expert design consultants are on hand to provide you with detailed consultations to achieve the perfect finish every time. Our technicians provide the best project based solutions on budget every time.

Quartz Carpet’s flooring professionals provide inspections and customized solutions tailored specifically to your project, focusing on minimal downtime & aesthetic appeal.

Find a Certified Installer

Thanks for your interest in Quartz Carpet. We have a network of certified installers across the US to provide an amazing experience for any project. In an effort to connect you with the best solution, please connect with us using one of the following options:

Become a Quartz Carpet Certified Installer

Training Dates:

New Hampshire: February 20th & 21st 2024, March 19th & 20th 2024, April 16th & 17th 2024    . 
Las Vegas 2024:  June , July & August (Check back for dates).